Having any issues with your computer, Ipad or Iphone? We are please to announce to the beginning of our relationship with Kirk to help all the members out there with their IT issues concerning Apple and Mac products.
If you would like to get answers to solve problems, please contact Kirk at 720 2017991 or email him at kirk@themacsavage.com. For additional information you can also visit his website at themacsavage.com.
“Technology presumes there’s just one right way to do things and there never is. ~Robert M. Pirsig
Because there may be more than one good way to perform something on your Mac/Apple product, we suggest you include Kirk on your personal IT team before everyone else does. Kirk can sometimes be spotted at some of our networking events as well.
When we work together, I can help you to create documentation for whatever we are doing. You are always in the loop.
Here is list of services provided:
New system setup
Software installation and configuration
Hardware and software troubleshooting
TutoringiPhone/iPad integration and assistance
Hardware upgrades; hard drives, memory, on “vintage macs”
Backup and Storage solutions
Data Recovery
Wired and wireless network setup and security
Firewall and VPN devices for secure remote connections
PC to Mac migration
5280 Singles Membership card holders can receive up to one free half hour of consult with Kirk to get your devices running up to their potential. Call Kirk at 720 201-7991 for more information on how you discount works as well as how much time he can save you on the many services listed above.