Are you suffering with pain in your feet, from your IT bands, in your hips, or lower back? Is whiplash causing your shoulders and neck immobility and the tingling in your arms is keeping you awake at night? Do you have chronic pain from carpal tunnel syndrome, arthritis, golfer’s elbow, or headaches?

Get relief naturally, while gaining flexibility. As a certified Fascianation expert, I will show you methods to help you release yourself from the pain and anxiety that comes with thinking that life is going to be weekly doctor visits coupled with pain meds and physical therapy until the insurance runs out. 

I will teach you how to expand and express your body while removing the pain that has cost you nights of sleep and days doing what you love. 

Join us for our Self-Myofascial Release Classes the Fascianation method, also known as rolling the body. 

Only Location in Denver!
We have a special offer for our first time members. Visit our website for more details

Denise Curran
Practitioner, Nurture & Nature Repair Rebuild Rejuvenate
720.320.3097 | denisec@nurtureandnaturecimi.com
4201 E Yale Ave Suite B-155, Denver, CO 80222 |
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